Online Courses

it's your time to shine & live authentically

In these transformative courses, you can tap into your psychic & intuitive powers to explore your full potential. With the up close and personal setting, you receive direct guidance from me throughout the courses for your maximum benefit.


Activate The Cosmic Christ Consciousness Within you

Cosmic Christ Series

A New Offering

Part 1 Accessing Your Multidimensional Soul Akash

Part 2 Anchoring Oneness Throughout All Timelines

Part 3 Activating the Stargate of Your Heart

Are you ready for an extraordinary upgrade? My team of guides steps forward to share with you all the new teachings, and much more advanced frequencies so you can align your lifestream with the New Earth.

Anchor the next level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and connect directly with your own Stargate to the Galactic Centre and beyond. 

For you, on the forefront of humanity’s conscious evolution, you receive the latest tools, codes and insights to manifest and create in this ever-expanding New Earth realm.

It is designed to support your energetic advancements together with your personal environment – your home, family and workplace. Creating a harmonious field for all to flourish and expand together with joy.

In this series, you receive Cosmic Christ Conscious Initiations directly from various Ascension Masters, Archangels and the Divine Director.

It includes the awakening of your Godseed which enhances your kundalini flow, clears ancient blockages of the Old Earth and setting you free to explore your highest potential in the New Earth. 

Each Activation is overlighted by the dedicated team of Ashtar Command, Lord Melchizedek and the Divine Director together with various twin flame couples to provide you with the highest Divine Templates for the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.


Part 1 – Accessing your Multidimensional Soul Akash

Part 2 – Anchoring Oneness

Part 3 – Activating the Stargate of your Heart

As Jeshua and Mary Magdalene anchored the pathway of ‘as above, so below’ now is the time to bring forth ‘as within, so without’. A new way of heart resonance in harmony with all that is connected to the Galactic Core and beyond.

Discover the origins of your soul, may that be an angelic background, interplanetary or earth-aligned and receive your unique soul codes to expand your consciousness in a whole new way.

In the teachings, you learn new ways to protect and enhance the vibration in your home with sacred geometry, candles and new invocations that support you with your increasing frequency.

Your light body will receive the upgrade from your Merkabah structure into a star tetrahedron, which is not only anchored in your auric field yet also deeply embedded into your cellular structure throughout the series.

Moreover, we are weaving the four directions together into ONENESS. From the Celtic wisdom teachings to the Buddhistic interconnectedness of all life to the sacred understanding of the Natives caring for Gaia, together with the Essene in their deep awareness of the Christ Consciousness and Oneness.


  • Access your multidimensional Soul Akash
  • Grail Initiations with various twin flames from different realms providing you with ever-expanding codes
  • Clearing ancient blockages of the ‘Old Earth’
  • Activate your multidimensional Ascension Stargate of the Heart
  • Anchor your New Ascension Light Body directly in your cellular structure
  • Weaving all your timelines into One
  • Direct Transmissions from various Twin flame couples
  • Godseed Awakening & Kundalini flow giving you access to Divine Source Energy
  • Soul Signature Encodements from your Monad
  • Crystalline codes rewrite your DNA for your wellbeing
  • You will learn a new flow of your entire energy through time and space
  • Align your life, home and family with the New Earth for all to flourish
  • Strengthen your energetic presence to maintain your frequency whilst interacting with the ‘Old Earth’

In this process, the team of guides support you over these three months and deepen your connection with Spirit. You discover and connect with your Ascension guide and various Masters, collective Consciousness such as the Venusians and Golden Solar Light Beings together with your own galactic ‘home’. Moreover, you connect with your unique Council of Twelve to support you on your Ascension journey.


This Activation is multi-dimensionally light encoded. You receive new frequencies of the light code transmissions everytime you enjoy the replays. 

You have access to the replays in Cademy as well as direct audio and video files to download.

Enjoy all the additional information together with insights, guidance and transmissions from the higher realms and your team of guides.



Accessing Your Multidimensionality

Awaken the Mysteries of Avalon And Activate The Essene Key Codes

On-Demand, £55

Discover the magical connection of the Celts with Avalon and access the magic and mystery of the British Isles holding key codes of the Essene and much more.

Not only holds Avalon the ancient mysteries of the Celts. The first gatherings of the Essene, the family of Christ, took place in these ancient lands with Joseph of Arimathea laying the first wooden structure for a gathering place between druids, the ancient Goddess and the Christ Consciousness.

IN THIS ACTIVATION, you will discover the sacred teachings of the Ladies of the Lake, and their profound knowledge beyond time and space. Merlin will share special codes with you together with his Ascension teachings.

Archangel Michael and Mother Mary preparing you for the increase in Christ Consciousness on earth whilst Mary Magdalene and her sisters share their sacred teachings with you. Joseph of Arimathea attunes you to high levels of ancient Mastery of the Essene.


IN THIS LIGHT LANGUAGE TRANSMISSION, beings from various realms gather to enhance your light body, support you in shifting into higher frequencies and set the tone for your higher Ascension journey.

A dynamic combination of acceleration, connecting to Mother Earth where ancient teachings and the latest Ascension Light Codes merge effortlessly into ONE.


  • Ancient Wisdom Attunement by the Lady of the Lake
  • Ascension Attunement & Activation of your hands by Merlin
  • Activation by Joseph of Arimathea creating an abundant life
  • Sacred Water Codes of Avalon
  • Celtic Imbolc Blessings for a blissful 2024
  • Twin flame Codes of Merlin and the Lady of the Lake
  • New DNA light codes to enhance your light body


This Activation is multi-dimensionally light encoded. You receive new frequencies of the light code transmissions everytime you enjoy the replays. 

You have access to the replays in Cademy as well as direct audio and video files to download.

Moreover, the additional information provides you with an energetic and informative background to make the most of these incredible frequencies.

Cosmic Christ Initiations – Accessing Your Multidimensional Soul Akash

On-Demand, £55 – Part 1 

The high-frequency influx we are receiving is the perfect time to explore your unique multidimensional Soul Akash as part of the Cosmic Christ Initiations.

Discover your special New Earth gifts and explore the deeper aspects of your soul. In these advanced Christ Initiations, the Masters step forward to attune you according to your levels of Mastery and in alignment with your soul’s plan. Moreover, you will discover and connect with your unique Council of Twelve.

IN THIS ACTIVATION, you will receive the highly advanced Christ Teachings for this time by various Masters overlighted by Ashtar Command, Lord Melchizedek and the Divine Director.

Amongst others, they share a new technique to create your multidimensional Ascension Light Body so you can tap into and receive all the new incoming light codes directly into your cellular structure. You receive highly advanced DNA codes to hold the much higher Cosmic Christ Conscious frequencies aligning your life with the Above and the Below.

IN THIS LIGHT LANGUAGE TRANSMISSION, Jeshua and Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael, together with Lady Venus and Ashtar Command, attune you with their Ascension gifts and special codes.

They anchor their aspects of the Divine Template for the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine for you to thrive. They attune you to cosmic rays that support the integration of Divine love, forgiveness and grace.


  • Cosmic Christ Codes Activation
  • Beginning the weaving of all your timelines into one
  • Attunement to divine love, forgiveness, grace
  • Cosmic Ray Attunement by various Twin flames
  • Crystalline DNA Activation
  • Accessing your Multidimensional Soul Akash 


This Activation is multi-dimensionally light encoded. You receive new frequencies of the light code transmissions everytime you enjoy the replays.

You have access to the replays in Cademy as well as direct audio and video files to download.

Moreover, the additional information provides you with an energetic and informative background to make the most of these incredible frequencies.

Cosmic Christ Initiation – Anchoring Oneness throughout all Timelines

On Demand, £55 – PART 2

Take quantum leaps in your soul’s evolution and step into the Mastery of your highest I AM PRESENCE.

In this Initiation, you discover your unique Ascension gifts for you, your loved ones and for the global Ascension. Moreover, you access your Source Energy directly through the Activation of your Godseed and Kundalini providing you with multidimensional awareness through time and space.

This helps you to navigate the higher Ascension Path for a successful transition of all the aspects of your life into the New Earth expressing your true Self and gifts. ’

IN THIS ACTIVATION, you will receive the Cosmic Christ Teachings from many Masters and Galactics to access the highest Ascension frequencies with special support from Ashtar Command, Archangel Metatron, Lord Melchizedek and the Divine Director

They also share with you new techniques to stabilise these higher frequencies in your day-to-day life with practical tips.

IN THIS LIGHT LANGUAGE TRANSMISSION, you receive direct transmissions from beings such as Archangel Michael and Archangel Faith, and Master El Morya to attune you specifically with their unique Ascension gifts and special codes allowing you to shine your soul light brightly.

Babaji activates your kundalini flow and supports you with body adjustments to integrate all the frequencies in your multidimensional Ascension Light Body and your cellular structure.

The Masters anchor their unique aspects of the Divine Templates to manifest your dream life and attune you to qualities such as Divine wisdom, discernment and the understanding of higher consciousness in action.


  • Cosmic Christ Codes Activation
  • Godseed & Kundalini Activation To Access Divine Source Energy
  • Soul Signature Encodements from your Monad
  • Activation of Your Ascension Gifts and Skills
  • Weaving the Four Directions into Oneness
  • Harmonising your Life Stream with the Outer World
  • Weaving Your Timelines into One


This Activation is multidimensionally light encoded. You receive new frequencies of the light code transmissions every time you enjoy the replays. 

You have access to the replays in Cademy and direct audio and video files to download.

Enjoy all the additional information together with insights, guidance and transmissions from the higher realms and your team of guides.

Cosmic Christ Initiations – Activating the Stargate of Your Heart

On Demand, £55 – PART 3

Step fully into your Highest Self anchoring your Ascension in the highest timeline.

In this final part of this series, all is coming together for you. The alignment of your timelines, all four directions are being activated in a new energetic flow creating a new and much more potent/powerful torus field around you – attracting the life you dream of.

Whilst harmonising your life with those near and dear to you creating a vibrational field of love, joy and abundance for all to thrive.

IN THIS ACTIVATION, you will receive the Cosmic Christ Teachings for this time by various Masters overlighted by Ashtar Command, Archangel Metatron, Lord Melchizedek, and the Divine Director together with your unique Council of Twelve.

The teachings focus on your personal power and your sacred sun portal together with your unique gifts and how to express them in the changing world around you as you grow and evolve.

IN THIS LIGHT LANGUAGE TRANSMISSION, Isis in her Sirian expression give you access your unique Soul Name and its multidimensional power.

Your Council of Twelve activate your DNA and special contributions to the global Ascension as a Star and Earth Wisdom Keeper – accessing your gifts through time and space.

All the Twinflames Couples unite to activate your unique Stargate of your Heart giving you access to wisdom teachings beyond time and space to embody your Highest Self and fulfil your Ascension goals with love and lightness.

They also attune you to specific rays that support the integration of qualities such as Divine Power, Grace, Compassion and Joy.


  • Cosmic Christ Codes Activation
  • Activation of Your Cosmic Flower of Life
  • Access Your Soul Name & it’s Power through Time & Space
  • Activation of the Stargate of Your Heart
  • Anchor the full Metatron’s Attunement in Your Cellular Structure
  • Final Merge of all Timelines into One
  • Access Your Ascension Portal & its infinite Potential
  • Time to ask your burning questions


This Activation is multi-dimensionally light encoded. You receive new frequencies of the light code transmissions everytime you enjoy the replays. 

You have access to the replays in Cademy as well as direct audio and video files to download.

Enjoy all the additional information together with insights, guidance and transmissions from the higher realms and your team of guides.

A Joyous Celebration of Light, On-Demand

On-demand, £55

Gaia’s Ascension is reaching a new level that is the perfect time to connect with the Solar Consciousness to receive the Light Codes of the highest Order. 

It is a huge turning point collectively, leading to more love, joy, and upliftment. The Guides come together to provide you with an increase in vitality, nourishment, and multidimensional Solar Light Codes. 

IN THIS ACTIVATION, the Magdalenes provide you with the Activation of the Eye of Ra – the psychic solar power to connect you with the higher dimensional frequencies of the 12 Central Suns. 

The Galactic Council aligns with the Ascension of our planet. The Golden Solar Light Beings activate the Light Codes of Illumination to lift your spirits, ease Ascension symptoms and activate your highest Ascension pathway.

IN THIS LIGHT LANGUAGE TRANSMISSION, you receive direct transmissions from the Elohim, which provides you with Celestial Sound Activation. Ashtar Command, Archangel Metatron and Lord Melchizedek activate the Codes for your crystalline Ascension body.

Connecting you with your soul family amplified with the 12 Central Suns. Acceess the new Ascension Portals to boost your power and well-being and ignite this beautiful network with love, unity and grace. 


  • Celestial Sound Activation
  • Eye of Ra Activation
  • Codes of Illumination
  • Ascension Alignment Codes
  • Crystalline Body Transmission
  • Ascension Portal Activation


This Activation is multi-dimensionally light encoded. You receive new frequencies of the light code transmissions everytime you enjoy the replays. 

You have access to the replays in Cademy and direct audio and video files to download.

Moreover, the additional information provides an energetic and informative background to make the most of these incredible frequencie

Discover the Mystery of the Ascension Moons

On-Demand, £55 

The full moon opens the portal to higher consciousness, connecting you effortlessly with your team of guides and your highest-self helping you thrive. 

It is an auspicious energy that bridges heaven and earth, allowing you to receive the highest downloads and ground them into your reality—within your body, heart, soul, and surroundings.

The mystery of this series of Ascension full moons ignites deeper layers of your intuition and innate psychic abilities, awakening your highest potential. 

IN THIS ACTIVATION, you receive a deep cleanse of all your psychic senses within your spine and higher chakras. Moreover, with Gaia’s Ascension in full flow, your Earth Star, Gaia Gateway and Gaia’s Heart Core Chakra are becoming ever more relevant.  

IN THIS LIGHT LANGUAGE TRANSMISSION, you receive the activation of your Eye of Horus via the Divine Director to fully enhance your psychic abilities in alignment with your soul plan. You receive the upgraded Diamond Rainbow Ray Activation together with the Whales and Dolphins.

The Galactic Council steps forward to activate your higher communication skills to ascend in harmony with the planet. This accelerates your highest potential to navigate the Ascension to your greatest benefit.



  • Eye of Horus Activation
  • Light Code Activation of Your Psychic Senses
  • Codes for Communication with Gaia & all her life forms
  • Activation of Your Channeling Abilities
  • Diamond Rainbow Ray Activation
  • Connect with Your Unique Ascension Portal


This Activation is multi-dimensionally light encoded. You receive new frequencies of the light code transmissions everytime you enjoy the replays. 

You have access to the replays in Cademy as well as direct files to download.

Moreover, the additional information provides you with an energetic and informative background to make the most of these incredible frequencies.

Good To Know

General Information For Your Booking

Once you have booked your course you receive a confirmation email with access to all the content. 

Moreover, you receive additional information to dive deeper into the material whenever you wish. 

I look forward to exploring your uniqueness with you!

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